
Your Help is Life Changing

You can save lives in Afghanistan.

Please support our efforts to provide training and excellent medical and surgical care to the people of war-torn Afghanistan. Your tax-deductible gift will make a difference. A donation of $150 can feed a family of 10 for three months. Your gift of $350 covers 16 days of life-saving care in our neonatal unit for a premature baby, and a generous donation of $6,000 can support one year of expenses to train a Family Medicine resident.

Your support, along with the grants and generous donations we receive from our partnering organizations, is what provides Be Team the resources necessary for our role in Afghanistan. Through our leadership, together with the extraordinary medical team at Cure Hospital in Kabul, we are saving lives. Won’t you help us continue to strengthen and increase these humanitarian efforts?

Choose the option that works best for you
Gift Types Advantages
Cash or Credit card gift Make an impact today. Customize your gift.
Employer match Double your gift and increase awareness of Be Team International
Donor-Advised Funds Get an immediate income tax deduction and the ability to recommend the distribution of grants
Gifts by will or trust Address concerns about outliving your resources. Have access to your wealth if needed or if you change your mind.
Tax-free gift from your IRA Satisfy Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) without increasing your income taxes
Gifts of Stock Avoid capital gains tax on the appreciation and have the benefit of a charitable deduction on your income tax.
Life Income Gifts using Maintain or increase your cash flow while securing fixed, dependable payments for life. Receive tax advantages.
Contact our Philanthropy Team at if you need further assistance.

You are currently donating in US Dollars. You may also donate in Cryptocurrency.

Donations by Mail

Donations to Be Team International may be sent by mail to:

Be Team International
5901 Jonestown Road #6568
Harrisburg, PA 17112

Be Team International is a non-profit organization with US 501(c)(3) status, EIN #83-1878953. Be Team International is a registered nonprofit with the Afghan Ministry of Economics. Donations to Be Team International are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.

Donate Today

Support Our Solar Program with Your Matching Gift!

A generous donor has stepped up with a $30,000 match to expand the hospital’s ongoing solar program. Your designated gift can make a difference! Funds received will be used to:

• Stabilize the hospital’s power source in the event it is lost.

• Distribute portable lighting and medical equipment powered by solar energy (Power Suitcases) within the Afghan Provinces for safer childbirth and medical procedures.

• Expand the hospital’s current solar power to ensure long-term sustainability and to cut down on the costs of electricity.