Collaboration is What Makes Us Unique
Our strong foundation is built upon a broad base of enduring partnerships. We have collaborated with government-run national, regional, provincial and district hospitals throughout Afghanistan from the turbulent cities to the rural mountain villages. Working with many respected Afghan and international humanitarian organizations, private business and governmental universities and agencies, we are building Afghan healthcare capacity for more clinicians to treat additional patients.
Our grant partners offer much needed funding.
The Cure Hospital has benefited tremendously from enduring partnerships to address obstetric fistula. Obstetric fistula, where the new mother suffers incontinence, are very common in Afghanistan, since many births occur in the home. With incontinence comes a community that ostracizes the young mother for the rest of her life, because she is unable to control her bladder. These women live in shame, separated from their families and friends. The Fistula Foundation has been a trusted partner since 2009. Their funding has covered nearly 1,600 fistula surgeries. In addition, they fund transportation costs to and from the hospital for patients and families. With their support, the hospital has made critical repairs to its roof, purchased much-needed operating room equipment, built a hostel, and bought an ambulance. In 2021, the Fistula Foundation gave Be Team International additional grants to cover the added expense of treating COVID-19 patients. The Fistula Foundation also awarded special grants to make capital upgrades, install solar power, support hospital staff salaries, and enable Be Team International to extend its impact further into Afghanistan’s remote provinces. They continue supporting a two-day fistula prevention and awareness workshop at our hospital, which attracted 70 midwives from all 34 Afghan provinces in December 2021. They continue to support our fistula surgeons to receive advanced training. All of this has greatly enhanced our ability to prevent, detect and treat women with obstetric fistula, which has brought joy to hundreds of women, their families, and their friends.
The Cure Hospital has been partnering with SMILE Train since 2006. With their funding, the hospital has been able to offer free surgery to nearly 11,000 patients with cleft deformities. SMILE Train has also funded much of the ongoing training of our plastic surgeons and efforts to establish nutritional and speech therapy programs. SMILE Train’s Medical Advisory Board has provided policies, procedures and invaluable guidance so that we can perform high-quality and safe cleft surgical procedures on the many small children who are depending on us.
The Linda Norgrove Foundation shares Be Team International’s commitment to empowering the next generation of female Afghan healthcare providers through capacity building and training. They are funding the annual training expenses for one of our newest female family medicine residents. Previously, the Linda Norgrove Foundation financed the purchase of a digital X-ray machine and paid the cost of medical students’ from several Afghan medical schools to rotate through the hospital for one-month clinical clerkships.
Hope Partnerships International shares Be Team International’s vision to create a sustainable family medicine residency to meet this need and are funding the costs to train one resident. Afghanistan needs healthcare providers capable of meeting a great diversity of medical needs, especially in the country’s remoter regions where the only doctor within a few hours’ drive will often function as pediatrician, obstetrician, internist, and surgeon.

Contracted Clients

Our contract partners trust us to provide high-quality and reliable medical services. They know that money spent on a contract with the Cure Hospital will have a tremendous impact on the healthcare system and the people of Afghanistan.
- ACY (Rehabilitation Center of Youth)
- Afghan National Insurance Company (ANIC)
- Allianz Worldwide Care Health Insurance
- Burhan Security Services (BSS)
- Cigna
- Etisalat Afghanistan (Telecommunication company)
- Interhealth Insurance Company
- Khair Khwa International Insurance
- Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)
- Sky International Insurance
Collaborating Organizations
Rebuilding Afghanistan’s healthcare system is a massive undertaking. Education, training and donations are the keys to success. Be Team is fortunate that many world-wide organizations have collaborated with us to provide training for clinicians in a land that is virtually void of resources and where clinicians are crying for help. Some of these organizations include:
- Abid Light Solar Services Company
- Afghan Midwifery Association
- Afghan Association of Family Medicine
- Cheragh Medical School
- Health Net TPO
- Helping Hands Afghanistan
- International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
- International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO)
- International Fistula Alliance
- International Medical Corps (IMC)
- International Society of Obstetric Fistula Surgeons (ISOFS)
- Kateb Medical School
- Khatemul Alnabin Medical School
- Motley Legal Services
- PowerQuest Worldwide
- Premiere Urgence International (PU-AMI)
- Save the Children
- Spinghar Medical School
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- World Organization of Family Doctors. (WONCA)

These organizations are a testament to our commitment and success in rebuilding Afghanistan’s healthcare system. We couldn’t do this work without individual donations as well. Here’s how you can help.
- A gift of $35 can pay round trip travel expenses for a laboring mother to receive care at our hospital.
- As little as $350 can cover the cost for a premature baby to receive 16 days of life-saving care in our neonatal unit.
- A gift of $3,500 can cover 7 months of training expenses for a doctor who will then be able to provide some of the very best obstetric and gynecological care in the country.
We would be incredibly grateful if you can help us.