Be Team Helps Feed Families in Need in Afghanistan
June 5, 2023
How We Heal – A Patient Story
April 4, 2024In the province of Mazar-e-Sharif in northern Afghanistan, where thousands of Afghan families live, access to medical centers and health facilities is often not accessible. This challenging environment was where a remarkable success story unfolded, thanks to the efforts of the mobile clinic medical team of Be Team International. The team came across a 7-year-old girl named Safia who was suffering from a cleft lip.
Safias’ father expressed his desperation, saying, “I am the only breadwinner for my family, and we don’t have the means to pay for surgery or even enough to travel to Kabul.”
The mobile medical team informed him of the free surgery offered at our hospital and provided travel vouchers to cover transportation costs for Safia and him. On July 17, 2023, the Be Team hospital’s plastic surgery team repaired Safia’s lip. She and her father returned home several days later with another travel voucher.